Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


Norwegian translation:


Added to glossary by Jordan Eriksen
Apr 19, 2011 22:32
13 yrs ago
German term


German to Norwegian Tech/Engineering Other

I'm having some trouble with the German word "Charge", it may not be German of origin, but it's located everywhere in the German text I am translating. Example sentences:

"Charge in Heizkammer unter Schutzgas"
"Durch Betätigen der „Funktionstaste F3“ wird eine vorhandene Charge gelöscht."
"Hier müssen Sie das Verzeichnis auswählen, in dem Sie das Chargenfoto abgelegt haben."
"Die Chargenverfolgung ist zusätzlich im AM® visualisiert."
"Im Modul „Prozess“ im Register „Charge“ wird Ihnen als Zusatzinfo die AM - Nummer angezeigt."

I have a tight schedule, so if anyone have a clue of what the mystery word is, I would really appreciate if you would speak out. I can't really continue my translation without this single word, because it is everywhere. I don't necessarily need it in Norwegian, English would be just as fine!
Proposed translations (Norwegian)
4 +1 batch, parti


Ingrid Thorbjørnsrud Apr 20, 2011:
Ladning I denne sammenhengen tror jeg kanskje du kan bruke ladning. Veldig irriterende at tyskerne ofte ikke gidder å bruke sitt eget språk og i stedet, helt ukritisk, kjører på med engelsk.
Jordan Eriksen (asker) Apr 19, 2011:
Topic: Carbonizing, carburizing, chamber furnaces. I've googled my hands off and I think I got a clue.
One website said this was the definition of a charge:

"The mix of material that is placed in a furnace."

What other word would one use for "charge"? In Norwegian?
Leif Henriksen Apr 19, 2011:
What kind of device/apparatus/software? It might help to know more about the topic you are working with here.

Basically, you might think of one out of two possible interpretations:

Ladning (no) - Ladung (de) - electric in a capacitor or a battery, or related to explosives
Belastning (no) - Belastung (de) - of your account, for instance.

Proposed translations

8 hrs

batch, parti

Vanligvis oversettes charge (fra tysk) til batch eller parti, og i enkelte sammenhenger som Leif nevner, til ladning
Peer comment(s):

agree Leif Henriksen : Ja, jeg hadde også tenkt å legge inn parti nå :)
2 hrs
Da er vi ihvertfall enige:) God Påske, Skagen er fint nå
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