Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Hungarian term or phrase:
mint akaratukkal ...
English translation:
as ... their will
Hungarian term
mint akaratukkal
mindenben egyezőt, helybenhagyólag aláírták.
5 | as ... their will | Ildiko Santana |
Feb 7, 2010 22:19: Ildiko Santana changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/122334">Katarzyna Klamra's</a> old entry - "mint akaratukkal"" to ""as ... their will""
Proposed translations
as ... their will
"as the same being the full expression of their respective will, the Parties have signed this agreement"
"(the parties) signed (this document/contract/agreement), as it is in full accordance with their will"
Note added at 16 mins (2007-07-25 16:55:16 GMT)
Itt egy kicsit kulonbozo valtozat:
"Felek a fenti okiratot átolvasás, értelmezés és megértés után, mint szerződési akaratukkal mindenben egyezőt helybenhagyólag aláírták."
"Upon signing the document both contracting parties signify that they have read and understand it and it is in compliance with their intentions."
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