Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

Kepala sub dinas alat dan perlengkapan

English translation:

Head of Machinery and Equipment Sub-Divsion

Added to glossary by Regi2006
Jul 11, 2007 02:32
17 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Indonesian term

Kepala sub dinas alat dan perlengkapan

Indonesian to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering konstruksi
Kepala sub dinas alat dan perlengkapan dinas prasarana wilayah Provinsi NAD

Proposed translations

25 mins

Head of Machinery and Equipment Sub-Divsion

This sounds like the head of a sub-division within the ‘Departmen Pekerjaan Umum’. In Lampung there is a “Sub Dinas Alat Berat’ so I assume that ‘alat’ here is closer to ‘machinery’ than ‘tool(s)’.
Peer comment(s):

agree Eddie R. Notowidigdo
6 hrs
agree Andrew Little : I would suggest "Head of the Machinery and Equipment Provincial Sub-Office" as these Dinas offices are at the provincial (or lower) level of government
1 day 5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
15 mins

Head of Equipment and Supply Sub-Division

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4 hrs

Head of Supplies and Equipment Sub-Office

Dinas sering diterjemahkan menjadi "office". Maka, subdinas menjadi "sub-office"

One sub-office has been established for Aceh, which will include one ... Action Plan include supplies and equipment, ......
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