Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

Tatar Sunda

English translation:

Sundanese tradition

Added to glossary by Hikmat Gumilar
Dec 1, 2006 16:42
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Indonesian term

Tatar Sunda

Indonesian to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
"Ruangan itu ditata berdasarkan atmosfir Tatar Sunda"

I wonder if the "Sundanese Land" would be sufficient to describe it.

Proposed translations

18 mins

Sundanese tradition

The room was arranged to reflect an atmosphere of Sundanese tradition
Peer comment(s):

agree Hadiyono Jaqin
11 hrs
Thanks guys!
agree Ray Nugraha
3 days 11 hrs
Thanks guys!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks for all"
6 hrs

Parahyangan realm

Saya pikir Tatar Sunda benar seperti Anda maksudkan, yakni tanah, atau alam Sunda. Tanah/alam Sunda ini lebih *distinctive* diungkapkan dengan kata Parahyangan.

The room was decorated to bring about an aura of Parahyangan realm.
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12 hrs

Sundanese ethnic athmosphere


Note added at 12 hrs (2006-12-02 05:15:53 GMT)

atmosphere... :D
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