Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

tarekat tasawuf

English translation:

sufi order

Added to glossary by Wiyanto Suroso
Jul 18, 2011 13:33
13 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Indonesian term

tarekat tasawuf

Indonesian to English Other Religion
Pada abad ke-19 tarekat tasawuf yang dipedomani Sultan-Sultan XXX, yakni Khalwatiyyah Sammaniyah.
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Jul 23, 2011 05:29: Wiyanto Suroso Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

1 hr

sufi order

Tarekat sebagai Organisasi Sufi (Sufi Order). Pada abad ke-3 dan ke-4 H., periode sufi awal, tasawwuf masih merupakan fenomena individual yang menekankan ...

The Origins and Development of Sufi Orders (Tarekat) in Southeast Asia

Broadly speaking, one strategy for repositioning Sufism in the modern world is to promote, in the words of Hamka (one of Indonesia's most prominent modernist reformers of the twentieth century), tasawwuf tanpa tarekat, that is, Sufi teachings and (some) Sufi practices (tasawwuf) without recourse the Sufi orders (I. tarekat).

That is, Padepokan Thaha offers (among other things) tutelage in esoteric practices that have been carried by Sufi orders (I. tarekat; Ar., tariqa) and in the metaphysics associated with the mystical experiences that may unfold from those practices.
Note from asker:
Makasih, Pak
Peer comment(s):

agree Julia Byl : Most definitely, "Sufi order," although "Sufi" should be capitalized. "Path" is descriptive and correct, but not usual; "Sufi brotherhood" is also commonly used, though I like "order" better.
12 hrs
Thanks, Julia.
agree Ismail Saleh
3931 days
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
23 mins

sufism teaching

Tarekat bermakna (secara umum) dua: (1) pandangan/aliran (2) kumpulan/jamaah dari pandangan atau aliran itu.

Melihat konteks kalimat, makna yang dituju sepertinya adalah yang pertama.

The Source of Sufism Teaching
A formative period of Tasawwuf or - in west- recognized inveterate by Sufism or Islamic Mysticism, became in the first and the second century of Hijriah markedly by appearance of movement of asceticism (Zuhud).
Peer comment(s):

agree fati soewandi
13 hrs
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29 mins

sufi path

Tarekat berasal dari thariqah yang makna harfiahnya adalah jalan.
Kebetulan saya temukan tautan tentang sufi terminologi di bawah.
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2 days 1 hr

Islamic mystical order/brotherhood

See Howard M. Federspiel, 'A Dictionary of Indonesian Islam', Ohio University Center for International Studies, Monographs in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series No. 94, Athens, Ohio 1995, p. 265

Tarekat (from Arabic 'tariqah') were orders/brotherhoods of mystical practice, prominent in 19th C. Indonesia, with the Naqsyabandiyah, the Qadariyah and the Syathariyah being the major orders. They became less important with the rise of Islamic activity in the 20th C. which emphasized ritual regulated by jurisprudence and a stress on rational thinking.
ahli-ahli tarekat > people who follow the mystical way
gerakan tarekat > a mystical order of Islam
orde-orde tarekat > the mystical orders of Islam
tarekat Samaniyah > the Samaniyah mystical order

Tasawuf (from Arabic 'tasawwuf') is the mystical practice itself, generally governed by the concepts of several leading Islamic mystics and regulated by specific orders or brotherhoods (tarekat). Because mysticism of other religious traditions preceded Islam to Indonesia, there are a large number of heterodox movements in the country which either fail to qualify as Islamic mystical orders or only qualify partially. Islamic mysticism remains strong in rural areas.
Tasawuf Islam > Islamic mysticism
ahli tasawuf > mystics
amalan tasawuf > mystical practice
firqah tasawuf > the mystical grouping
hakikat tasawuf > the truth revealed through mysticism
ilmu tasawuf > the science of Islamic mysticism
pelajaran tasawuf > the teachings of mysticism
pembangunan tasawuf > mystical development
rumus-rumus tasawuf > mystical recitative formulas
soal tasawuf > the issue of the place of mysticism in Islam
unsur-unsur tasawuf > the basis of mysticism
Example sentence:

mengamalkan ajaran / mengerjakan tasawuf > to practice mysticism

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