Jan 27, 2010 09:36
15 yrs ago
Japanese term

CGパース, 外観パース

Japanese to English Other Computers: Systems, Networks Computer generated artwork, etc.
This is about a company that does CG animation, etc.

I looked up CGパース keep getting CG "Perth"....That certainly looks unlikely. Your help is appreciated!

Proposed translations

23 mins

computer graphic perspective, exterior perspective


パースとはperspective(名詞)のことで 遠近画法やそれによって描かれた図のことです。
Peer comment(s):

agree michiko tsum (X)
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, bluemagenta. :-)"
50 mins

computer graphic perspective drawing, exterior view perspective drawing

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