Jul 5, 2002 09:31
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Japanese term


Non-PRO Japanese to English Other
this is in a group of words such as 集計、合計、累計など. since all these are total, sum total, what does 総合計mean?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +5 grand total


Non-ProZ.com (asker) Jul 5, 2002:
are these correct 1.�W�v�� total
2.���v��sum total
3. �݌v��total

Proposed translations

5 mins

grand total

総合計 mean "grand total".

Note added at 2002-07-05 09:57:28 (GMT)

The word 集計 mainly mean the action/proccess to take total.
The word 合計 is total, and sum. The word sum and total are generally same. The word 累計, cumulation.

The word total may involve tyo types of total, grand total and sub total. My be, ¥"sum toal¥" mean some of total or garnd total.
Peer comment(s):

agree Indojin
3 mins
agree John Senior (X)
5 mins
agree Yoshiro Shibasaki, PhD
42 mins
agree Projectset
1 hr
agree Nobuo Kawamura
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
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