Jun 12, 2011 20:08
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Japanese term


Japanese to English Tech/Engineering Telecom(munications) Cellular phones
This word comes from an IT system testing document.

This word is used to indicate different types of test case scenarios as in


I understood the definitions provided here


but not sure what the English
equivalent would be or if there is one.

I've translated as "semi-normal" "abnormal" so far.

Thank you,
Proposed translations (English)
4 quasi-normal state

Proposed translations

4 hrs

quasi-normal state

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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."

Reference comments

1 hr


quasi-reference systemと訳している例があります。

Note added at 1 hr (2011-06-12 21:51:38 GMT)

【課題】 シーケンスチャート上の信号消失などといった準正常系プロトコルの記述をフォーマル化すると共に通信プロトコル設計を効率よく行う。
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To generate a sequence chart including a signal state or the like on the way of transmission efficiently by storing a mark to a part at which occurrence of a transmission line fault is predicted onto a normal system sequence chart and inserting a quasi-normal system sequence chart to the position.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Mami Yamaguchi
9 hrs
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