Glossary entry

Lithuanian term or phrase:

naminiai sausainiai

English translation:

home made biscuits

Added to glossary by Gintautas Kaminskas
May 31, 2010 07:15
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Lithuanian term

naminiai sausainiai

Lithuanian to English Other Food & Drink kavos pertraukėlė/meniu
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Jun 5, 2010 23:00: Gintautas Kaminskas Created KOG entry


Arturas Bakanauskas May 31, 2010:
Well, the fat content is high, but a butter cookie should be made with butter. And a butter cookie is tender (crumbles easily) due to the high fat content. A naminis sausainis, which is sold in all shops fresh from the commercial bakery, is a hard, cheap cookie. It has more spices than a sugar cookie, not enough to be a spice cookie. It is also brown, not pale. Home-style would be an option, but I doubt any decent homemaker would be caught dead making such poor quality cookies. I also seriously doubt they are made by the restaurant. For one thing, they would then carry the restaurant's special name. But if such were the case, 'fresh-baked biscuits' would be an option.
Olga Prisekina-Olrichs (asker) May 31, 2010:
as nemanau, kad restoranas siulytu namie paamintus sausainiu, as tikrai galvoju, kad tai tiesiog pavadinimas, kuris pagal recepta atitinka butter as klystu...
Gintautas Kaminskas May 31, 2010:
O kas naminių sausainių esmė? Ar ne tai, kad iškepti namie, o ne kepykloje ar fabrike?
Olga Prisekina-Olrichs (asker) May 31, 2010:
man atrodo, kad visi lietuviai zino kaip atrodo naminiai sausainiai, tai tokia sausainiu rusys, kaip ir namines salotos...kaip jums atrodo?
Gintautas Kaminskas May 31, 2010:
Reikia versti žodžio esmę Terminas – „naminiai sausainiai“. Nežinome recepto. Anglonas siūlo: home household homemade domestic familiar homespun home-baked handicraft home-produced

Gal home-baked?
Olga Prisekina-Olrichs (asker) May 31, 2010:

Proposed translations

14 mins

home made biscuits

Jeigu Šiaurės Amerikos rinkai: home made cookies

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-05-31 09:58:40 GMT)

Home style biscuits – balsuoju už šitą variantą. :-)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Arturas Bakanauskas : Homemade is one word. She is translating a menu and these are not made at home. While there are more hits for home made and home-made, Google does try to correct to homemade. Conceivably there would be a subtle difference between them.
40 mins
Actually it's hyphenated (home-made). Who says there not made at home? I already said "Jeigu Šiaurės Amerikos rinkai: home made cookies".
agree diana bb : In OALD, it's hyphenated. And yes, 'homestyle' (or home-style?) sounds OK.
2 hrs
agree Sergijus Kuzma : homemade (Oxford Dictionary)
4 hrs
agree Valters Feists : Yes, home-style biscuits; and AmE: * cookies.
5 hrs
agree : Agree, the restaurant just wants to inform that the cookies are as tasty as made at home irrespectively of a recipe or whether they are made by the restaurant or by its suppliers.
3 days 23 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins

pet biscuits

Peer comment(s):

disagree Arturas Bakanauskas : pet biscuits are for dogs while these are for human comsumption. While there might be a technical term I am not aware of, I don't know that risking consumer disgust is worth it.
49 mins
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1 hr

whole-grain biscuits

I have never seen this term translated for commercial products, but usually it refers to a plain brown biscuit. They may have a few raisins in them. Due to the colour, I am presuming the recipe appears to call for some whole wheat flour, although I suspect the commercial product uses dye instead of more expensive flour.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Gintautas Kaminskas : Nothing about wholemeal in any of the websites I looked at, e.g. : Mums reikės: 300 g. margarino ar sviesto, 300 g. miltų, 200g cukraus, 1arb. š. kepimo miltelių, 1arb. š. vanilinio cukraus, 1 kiaušinis.
23 mins
That would be a sugar cookie recipe, but it doesn't look like one. A sugar cookie is pale in colour and has a mild flavour. Naminis has more of a flour taste. A butter cookie is also pale and a plain cookie has no raisins. Too little fat for shortbread.
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5 hrs

rustic cookies

Siūlyčiau tokį variantą. Pagal Oxfordo žodyną "rustic" reiškia ką nors pagamintą paprastai, pagal paprastą receptą, be jokių įmantrumų, gali būti būdinga kaimui.
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