Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

pomijając kogoś teoretyczne doświadczenia związane z

English translation:

Disregarding sb's theoretical experience related to...

Added to glossary by asioczek
Mar 11, 2005 11:31
19 yrs ago
Polish term

pomijając kogoś teoretyczne doświadczenia związane z

Polish to English Other Other basic
.. Excepting..?


Joanna Borowska Mar 12, 2005:
mo�e podaj ca�e zdanie, bo ci�ko co� wymy�li� nie znaj�c kontekstu :o)

Proposed translations

4 mins
Polish term (edited): pomijaj�c kogo� teoretyczne do�wiadczenia zwi�zane z

Disregarding sb's theoretical experience related to...

many possibilities: Not taking into account, consideration etc
Peer comment(s):

agree legato : Yes to "Many possibilities", wiecej kontekstu by sie przydalo
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
4 mins
Polish term (edited): pomijaj�c kogo� teoretyczne do�wiadczenia zwi�zane z

leaving out

; )
Something went wrong...
6 hrs
Polish term (edited): pomijaj�c kogo� teoretyczne do�wiadczenia zwi�zane z

apart from (some)one's theoretical experiences

More context would make a world of difference.
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