Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

progressiva sensibilização do público

English translation:

Progressive Public Awareness

Added to glossary by ana_brum
Jun 9, 2002 21:49
22 yrs ago
Portuguese term

progressiva sensibilização do público

Portuguese to English Other Cinema, Film, TV, Drama TV
...contribuindo para uma progressiva sensibilização do público para a criação artística...

Proposed translations

2 mins

Progressive Public Awareness


Note added at 2002-06-09 21:55:31 (GMT)

Fifteen years of successful and progressive experience ... Developed regional
presentation videos & TV. Developed Statewide Public Awareness
Peer comment(s):

agree António Ribeiro
9 mins
Obrigado Antonio! Esperemos que amanhã a nossa seleção seija vitoriosa.
agree Sylvio Kauffmann
24 mins
agree Antonio Costa (X)
35 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muito obrigada pela ajuda."
10 mins

progressive public information

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13 mins

progressive sensitization of the public

Artistic sensitization is a concept which can be found on many sites.

Check out the link:

and also the various search results for "artistic sensitization" below.
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9 hrs


I know it's late but I'd suggest 'gradual' instead of progressive
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