Apr 21, 2008 00:10
16 yrs ago
Portuguese term


Portuguese to English Medical Medical (general) Human Papilloma Virus
epitélio irregularmente espessado por acantose e papilomatose com foco de paraceratose (figura 2), sendo identificados coilócitos, com halos citoplasmáticos perinucleares e núcleos irregulares

Proposed translations

32 mins


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agree CicaBarth : Postamos juntos!
2 mins
agree liz askew
8 hrs
agree Luiza Modesto
11 hrs
agree Cristina Santos
15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 mins


LILACS - Resultado página 1... Universidade Federal Fluminense, were studied regarding koilocytosis, paraceratosis, acantosis, basal cell hyperplasia and mononuclear cell infiltrate. ...
bases.bireme.br/cgi-bin/wxislind.exe/iah/online/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&src=google&base=LILACS... - 31k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes

Demonstrationen der Universitäts-Hautklinik Berlinzu dem, was a]s Paraceratosis variegat bezeichnet wlrd. (Vgl. Gottron:. Para-. keratosis variegata Ms Endausgang einer ungewShnlich verlaufenden Pityriasis ...
www.springerlink.com/index/R4N2122555816J23.pdf - Páginas Semelhantes

Paraceratose Pustulosa | Anais Brasileiros de DermatologiaThe authors describe the newly recognized entity "Paraceratosis Pustulosa" Hjorth and Thomsen (1967) as a peculiar deformity involving the nail and the skin ...
www.anaisdedermatologia.org.br/artigo_imprimir.php?artigo_i... - 11k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes

SCIndeks beta- [ Traduzir esta página ]... structural changes , nuclei hyperhromasia with hromatin condensation, acantosis, paraceratosis with well differentiated cells and faster exfoliation. ...
www.scindeks.nbs.bg.ac.yu/clanak.php?issn=0365-4478&je=en&p... - 38k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Peer comment(s):

agree rhandler
23 mins
disagree liz askew : ParaKeratosis
8 hrs
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34 mins


It's just my suggestion!
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agree liz askew
8 hrs
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