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Feb 21, 2013 16:34
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Portuguese term

Reversão da Alta

Portuguese to English Medical Medical (general)
Quando é emitida a alta a um paciente e depois é revertida.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 re-admission (to hospital)


Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Feb 22, 2013:
Another thought Sometimes 'discharge' is used for a patient still in outpatient care. If new symptoms arise, the discharge may be reversed.
Georgia Morg (X) Feb 22, 2013:
Good thinking, Muriel. Without context impossible to say....
Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Feb 21, 2013:
Does it mean... that the patient is readmitted, or simply that the physician changed his decision about the discharge? There could be a subtle difference here if the patient is not readmitted. I have to confess that I have walked out of a hospital more than once without a discharge. Nothing happened. They don't come and get me and take me back. But the record showed that I wasn't discharged.

Proposed translations

50 mins

re-admission (to hospital)

we'd normally use it as a verb, "he/she had to be re-admitted to hospital when ....".
Peer comment(s):

agree Marlene Curtis
49 mins
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