Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
desfăşurarea concursului pentru ocuparea funcţiei vacante
English translation:
vacancy-filling contest procedure
Romanian term
desfăşurarea concursului pentru ocuparea funcţiei vacante
Mar 16, 2010 07:01: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Proposed translations
vacancy-filling contest procedure
Note added at 54 mins (2010-03-16 07:55:20 GMT)
Desfasurarea e "modul de desfasurare", adica procedure.
the contest in progress to occupy the available position
Note added at 38 mins (2010-03-16 07:39:33 GMT)
Imi cer scuze, nu am vazut nota de mai jos. Raspunsul ar fi, in conditiile de fata: "the regulations regarding the coordination and progress of the contest to occupy the available position".
competition for holding/qualification for the vacant position
agree |
George C.
: competition sună bine. Vezi şi EPSO competitions. În context ar fi competition to fill vacancies/ vacant positions
28 mins
Mulţumesc, George!
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