Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

eliberare din functie

English translation:

the position becomes open

Added to glossary by Alina Dohotaru
Mar 29, 2011 12:37
13 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Romanian term

eliberare din functie

Romanian to English Bus/Financial Human Resources
este vorba despre:
"...în caz de eliberare a membrilor din funcţiile deţinute, atribuţiile acestora vor fi exercitate de persoanele nou-desemnate în posturile respective,"

nu este clar daca sunt demisi sau pleaca de bunavoie:) care ar fi un termen general care sa cuprinda ambele sensuri?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

the position becomes open

eliberare din functie

Denumire specifica fie pentru desfacerea contractului individual de munca (v.), fie pentru modificarea acestuia, realizata prin trecerea (v.) salariatului in alta functie (dupa caz), folosita cu privire la unele categorii de personal din sectorul bugetar.

when the position becomes open, the newly appointed members in that specific position, will fulfill the requirements of the said position
Peer comment(s):

neutral Claudia Coja : Am aceeasi obiectiune ca si fata de solutia Nicoletei :) Nu este vorba de angajati ci de membri ai stim exact. Iar din punct de vedere logic " the position becomes open" ca o consecinta a actiunii de eliberare din functie, nefiind actiunea in sine.
6 hrs
si ce anume impiedica ca postul unui membru sa fie " open" ? Logic este perfect acceptabil. Postul devine open : daca membrul moare, isi da demisia sau e concediat, sau pleaca pur si simplu . Este eliberat din functie
agree Cosmin Băduleţeanu
22 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "mulţumesc, este varianta cea mai optimă doearece această eliberare din funcţie poate fi din orice motiv, fie îşi dă demisia sau este concediat, moare sau oricare alt motiv."
10 mins

releasing from the position

.... solicita sa fie eliberat din functie invocand imposibilitatea de ...
... to be released from the position of state secretary ...

Note added at 32 mins (2011-03-29 13:10:11 GMT)

...Dariusz Buras was released from the function of the parish administrator in Kulsary in order to become a spiritual director in the Higher ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Julia Prazsmary : Un termen și mai des folosit e relieved, (from function, duty, etc.), se folosește la fel de mult și în politică, și în armată
16 hrs
thank you:)
agree Roxana Nechita
17 hrs
thank you:)
agree Cosmin Băduleţeanu
1 day 2 hrs
thank you:)
agree George C.
1 day 8 hrs
thank you:)
agree Tradeuro Language Services
4 days
Something went wrong...
3 hrs


Termination of employment is the end of an employee's duration with an employer. Depending on the case, the decision may be made by the employee, the employer, or mutually agreed upon by both

TYPES OF TERMINATION. All employee terminations shall be designated as one of the following and shall be accomplished in the manner indicated below: resignation, layoff, disability, death, retirement, dismissal, and completion of assignment

Peer comment(s):

neutral Claudia Coja : Aici nu este vorba de angajati, in situatia de faţă persoanele sunt "membri" ai ... x . Deci nu pot fi concediati, nu au un contract de angajare... etc. Solutia e minunata dar nu in acest caz.
7 hrs
Corect. Am fost atenta mai mult la comentariul Alinei si mai putin la context. Daca relatia nu e bazata pe un contract, nu poate fi vorba de termination.
Something went wrong...
2 days 20 hrs

dismiss from a position

„I was dismissed from a position recently, in my dismissal the manager stated that I had not successfully completed my probationary period...”

„How to Find a Job for Dismissed Nurses”

„Dismissal (employment)
Dismissal (referred to informally as firing or sacking) is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the worker.”
Peer comment(s):

agree Éva Szilágyi
2 days 8 hrs
Something went wrong...
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