Jun 9, 2013 08:56
11 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Romanian term

expiră derogarea privind

Romanian to English Other Law (general) Passport
Acest pasaport este reînnoită până când 21.01/2018 expiră derogarea privind reînnoirea Nr. 6958 data 22/01/2013

What do these 3 words mean?

Thanks in advance!
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Jun 9, 2013 18:57: wordbridge changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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Ovidiu Martin Jurj Jun 10, 2013:
Translating only the 3 words does not help very much:

expiră = expires
derogarea = the derogation (or: special legal provision, or special permit, it depends on the context)
privind = regarding

The whole sentence may be translated as follows:

The validity of this passport shall be extended until 21/01/2018, the expiry date of the derogation regarding the passport validity extension dated 22/01/2013.

Shalom and good luck!
Gad Kohenov (asker) Jun 9, 2013:
A colleague asked me What it means. The first part is easy the second does seem problematic. I don't know who did the translation or if it is an orginal text. The second part did look strange to me too.
Diana Coada (X) Jun 9, 2013:
Was this Google-translated?

Proposed translations

1 day 1 hr

expiry (date) of the change of a rule/order in relation to

derogare= change/amendment of a rule/decision/order/stipulation by way of exception, notwithstanding the legal provisions in force;
Ro: abatere exceptionala de la o lege/regulament

Note added at 1 day1 hr (2013-06-10 10:39:34 GMT)

or:-when the change of the order....expires
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. (X) : I thought of repeal for the derogation, but could not work it in.
7 hrs
Thank you.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Strange choice of words by the author here. Thanks a lot!"
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