Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
motivare de fapt
English translation:
de facto motivation (actual motivation)
Added to glossary by
Aug 7, 2002 21:55
22 yrs ago
25 viewers *
Romanian term
fara motivare in fapt
Romanian to English
divorce law
"Avocatul(reclamantei)solicita admiterea actiunii, fara motivarea in fapt a hotaririi, si fara cheltuieli de judecata
Proposed translations
3 +2 | without actual motivation (de facto motivation) |
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1 | incercare |
Irina Schwab
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Proposed translations
19 mins
without actual motivation (de facto motivation)
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Multumesc mult Spencer pentru ajutorul urgent! "
1 hr
of fact motivation
intelesul ar fi: The plaintiff's solicitor requested a hearing, without of fact/de facto motivation of the decision and without courts costs.
Nu stiu sigur daca are legatura cu distinctia of law/of fact.
Exista si o lucrare, 'Mistake of Fact in Administrative Law', Timothy Jones, 1990.
In studiul: English Legal Method, Blackstone's Study Pack,2001, am gasit intrebarea: 'Is that a question of fact, or a question of law?'
intelesul ar fi: The plaintiff's solicitor requested a hearing, without of fact/de facto motivation of the decision and without courts costs.
Nu stiu sigur daca are legatura cu distinctia of law/of fact.
Exista si o lucrare, 'Mistake of Fact in Administrative Law', Timothy Jones, 1990.
In studiul: English Legal Method, Blackstone's Study Pack,2001, am gasit intrebarea: 'Is that a question of fact, or a question of law?'
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