Nov 11, 2000 06:56
24 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Russian term

основные фонды всех хосяйствующих субъектов муниципального образования

Russian to English Bus/Financial
I am primarily concerned with finding a good concise English translation for the term "хозяйствующие субъекты" as it is used here, to mean subordinate agencies or organizations within a city.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

All natural/juridical persons [transacting business] within a municipality

First of all, "хосяйствующие субъекты" is a peculiar Russian legal term, probably left over from Soviet economics. It means anyone with legal capacity (_sui juris_), whether a private individual, legal entity (privately- or state-owned), 'public association,' non-governmental organization, etc., who/which is party to _any_ commercial activity, whether as buyer, seller intermediary, etc.

Because the term includes individual consumers, "commercial entities" is an incorrect translation, though I've seen it used.

Depending on the context you could say "all parties to business transactions" or, if you have a taste for the esoteric, you could contrive a term such as "business transactors."

In a tax context, "хосяйствующие субъекты" could mean "taxpayers" -- anyone generating any sort of taxable revenue.

However, for English speakers from market-economy countries, the concept of "хосяйствующие субъекты" encompasses _every_ person sui juris -- because every individual or legal entity would be assumed to be a party to _some_ transaction at some point in time. Therefore, I often translate it simply as "individuals/legal entities" or "natural or juridical persons," with no perceptible impact on the meaning of the translation.

I would be careful about the "муниципального образования." It is likely that the meaning here is "within a municipality's jurisdiction" -- not "functionally subordinate to a city government." It would be safer to use simply "within a municipality" unless the context dictates otherwise.

Best regards,

Ben Franchi
Russian to English
Legal, commercial, political texts
[email protected]

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for your detailed response. You've been very helpful on this translation."
23 mins

capital assets of each municipal educational entity

This is how the word "entity" is translated in my dict:
entity сущ. экономический объект, хозяйственное подразделение -
(see also legal entity; entity in charge )
Syn: group, enterprise
As for osnovniye fondy, here are some other versions: basic assets, key assets, fixed capital stock.
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Guzel Nabatova-Barrett
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31 mins


Just found a definition (see the reference below)
an organization (as a business or governmental unit) that has a legal identity which is separate from those of its members

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1 hr

fixed asstets of all economic units of the municipal education structure

Mr. Chursinov is right - the word "entity" fits the context perfectly here. But in Russia every "entity" is so much subordinated to the municipal department of education both legally and economically that the word "unit" would be almost equally appropriate too.

Also I would think they are speaking of the total amount of the fixed assets (which is the term most generally used by accountants of non-production sector), so "all" might sound better than "each" in
this case.
Best regards, GI
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1 hr

legal entity, legal person

Хозяйственный субъект (syn. субъект хозяйствования, субъект предпринимательства)is a company, corporation, organization or any other artificial legal entity.

Муниципальное образование, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is one of the three levels of power: federal (Government), regional (Subjects of Federation), and municipal entities (Local Self-Government).

The example may look like (fixed) assets of all legal entities subordinate to municipal authorities...

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2 hrs

fixed assets of municipal entities

If the entities are owned & run by municipality, then you can translate as "fixed assets of municipal entities". That's as concise as you can get. If you mean all business entities within the boundaries of municipality (sometimes a good estimate of property tax base or capital base), then translate as "fixed assets of all entities located in the municipality".

Hope this helps.
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6 hrs

... [too small place] ... pls read below

{ity, the fist box cannot afford all necessary words....

Indeed, the whole phrase should sound as (excuse my LaTeX, but the editor software of this page does not permit me to emphasize the necessary words)

fixed capital stocks (basic assets, capital assets) of all {\em economically active subjects } of (or subordinated to) a municipal entity (institution).

If you are not a Russian, then the sense of the phrase is as follows:

- By a "municipal entity" they mean in legislative docs any local power in any city with the respective statute.

- By "economically active subjects" we mean any, say "sub-entity" of the municipal entity considered in the whole.

- By "fixed (or capital) stocks (or assets, but we do not know who gave a value to all those assets... Well, "STOCKS" spunds slightly more vulgar, ASSETS more official :)...)" we mean all goods, buildings, machinery, which are cosidered as so-called "basis funds" of municipal enterprises (eg, sanitation networks, hospitals and/or schools with an economic activity, etc.).

I hope this will help and you could translate your text with preserving its meaning in Russian:)

Sincerely yours,

PS. Apropos, avoid all those who read "obrazovaniye" as education. The real sense of "obrazovaniye" is closer to "a formation" and is too far from this English word "edication"...
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20 hrs

fixed assets of all economic agents in the municipality

"хозяйствующий субъект" is the most general term which means, in essence, en entity which acts and whose actions are economic in nature, an active force producing an economic effect. Therefore, the choice of the word "agent" - in Latin it means "someone who acts", i.e., is not passive, is active.
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1 day 13 hrs

fixed assets of all municipal business entities

I believe that the Russian term "хозяйствующие субъекты" is best translated as "business entities", since the phrase "to do business" is the exact match of the Russian "заниматься хозяйственной деятельностью".
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