Nov 4, 2008 09:15
16 yrs ago
Russian term

Отольются кошке мышкины слезки.

Russian to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Или что-то в этом роде. В том смысле, что сама "мышка", наконец-то сможет "оторваться" на кошке.


Alexander Kondorsky Nov 4, 2008:
Native English speakers please look at this! Dear native English speakers, does this make any sense?

Mouse's tears will come back to the cat
Grunia (asker) Nov 4, 2008:
details It just must be some saying which means that someone, who has been absolutely unbearable for quite a long time, will at last get what he deserves. But I'm looking for some idiomatic expression like the Russian one about a cat and a mouse.

Proposed translations

7 mins

She'll (he'll) get her (his) come-uppance


Note added at 8 mins (2008-11-04 09:23:54 GMT)

"The Appretice" Kate gets her comeuppance at last!!

Note added at 8 mins (2008-11-04 09:24:41 GMT)

или get what's coming to one

Note added at 9 mins (2008-11-04 09:25:33 GMT)

Receive what one deserves or is due, especially something unpleasant, such as a punishment or rebuke. For example, When they suspended Steve for cheating, he was only getting what was coming to him.
Peer comment(s):

agree Olga Judina : comeuppance is inevitable :)
5 hrs
Thank you, Olga!>)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Vanda!"
31 mins

the injustice done to someone (mostly to a weak person) will be avenged.

in other words: he (she) who did injustice to someone will sooner or later be punished for
несправедливость к-ая была причинена слабому, отомстится
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4 hrs

not for points

Elvis Costello - On Your Way Down lyrics

It's high time that you found
***The same people you misuse on your way up
You might meet up
On your way down***

Since it's not my own saying, it's not for points :).
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8 hrs

She'll get hers yet.


Note added at 8 hrs (2008-11-04 17:48:50 GMT)

oooooh.. found a good one:

She (myshka) will give (koshka) a taste of (koshka's) own medicine ;) :))))
Peer comment(s):

agree Tevah_Trans
2 days 10 hrs
thanks, Tevah
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11 hrs

What goes around comes around

Peer comment(s):

agree lisulya
2 days 5 hrs
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