Jan 21, 2013 14:44
11 yrs ago
Russian term

антикварный салон

Russian to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
I've seen "antiquarian" and "antique salon" when this is translated into English, but the entity being described is a "salon" in New York frequented by people in show business.

Дело происходило в антикварном салоне Ричарда Миллса (он терпеть не мог, когда его называли Диком или Ричи), худощавого блондинистого гея с грустными глазами,


Deborah Hoffman (asker) Jan 24, 2013:
* I should have been clearer. It's just a party. I was thinking salon as a synonym - well for salon in the sense of a gathering or party. But from responses this would actually be some type of a shop or showroom.

Proposed translations

23 mins

antiques showroom

Difficult to say really because we don't know why these people go there. Are they buying stuff? Is it the guy's home that is so out-of-date it's like an antique shop?

Even more context needed :)
Peer comment(s):

agree LilianNekipelov : I agree. The exhibition itself would be called an antiques show.
4 hrs
agree MariyaN (X)
5 hrs
agree cyhul
2 days 17 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 hrs

antique store

This kind of place is usually just called an "antique store" or "antiques store".
Example sentence:

The best antique stores in Toronto don't take the fun out of the hunt...

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1 day 5 hrs

antique art gallery

antique art(s) gallery or due to little context:
antique shop; curiosity shop, parlor
"antiquarian" refers to books, non?

Note added at 3 days6 hrs (2013-01-24 21:42:23 GMT)

салон (литературно-артистический кружок из людей избранного круга, собирающихся в частном доме) e.g., literary salon — литературный салон
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