Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

синантропные бактерии

English translation:

commensals, human commensal bacteria

Added to glossary by Dylan Edwards
Jun 25, 2013 10:49
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Russian term

синантропные бактерии

Russian to English Medical Medical (general) microbiology
Context: inflammatory bowel diseases.

Ведующие теории патогенеза ВЗК предлагают концепцию потери иммунной толерантности, чрезмерного или извращенного системного и местного иммунного ответа на синантропные бактерии в сочетании с активацией оппортунистической инфекции у генетически предрасположенных лиц.

I've seen "synanthropic" used with reference to insects, mammals etc. that live in close association with humans or in habitats created by humans.

"Synanthropic bacteria" seems odd in English.
Proposed translations (English)
2 +2 commensals


Dylan Edwards (asker) Jun 25, 2013:
As I understand it, commensals / commensal bacteria are non-pathogenic - is that right?

Proposed translations

7 mins


Indeed, and the Google query for “синантропные бактерии” (in quotes) gives only 10 results.

But I found a PDF file, in which synanthropic becteria are called “комменсалы” (=commensals or commensal bacteria)

Note added at 10 mins (2013-06-25 10:59:37 GMT)

P.S. A more accurate term would be “human commensal bacteria.”
Example sentence:

Note from asker:
Thank you. I found this definition of "commensal": "living on or within an organism, and deriving benefit without injuring or benefiting the other individual". Does that correspond to your understanding of "синантропные бактерии" here?
"Immune response to commensal bacteria" - I've found something about that, too.
Peer comment(s):

agree cyhul
23 hrs
agree alex suhoy
1 day 6 hrs
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