This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Sep 13, 2013 10:37
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Russian term


Russian to English Medical Medical (general) lab results
I'm thinking there is a typo here, but perhaps some of you kind folks can help me figure this out. It's part of the usual litany of lab results - right next to urea and creatinine. I would expect BUN, but this doesn't resemble BUN at all. Here's the source text:

Ан. Крови. Гем.-170 г/л, Эрит.-5.4 т/л, ЦП-0.9, лейкоциты-6.5. Ан. на сахар-10.5 ммоль, ПТИ-93%, фибрин плазмы 4.0 г/л, этан.-отр. Фибр. Ак. Кр.-4 час. СОЭ 16 мм/ч, П 5, С 50, Э 1, Л 40, М 4, ПТИ 93%, АСТ-0.44, АЛТ-0.93, билирубин-15.7 мкмоль/л, холестерин-4.6. ***ВЛТ-35 ед.,*** мочевина-4.4 ммоль/л, креатинин-79. Сахар крови 10.5 мМоль/л. Ан. мочи: 1020. л-ты 1-2 в п/зр. Ан. кала – л/г не обнаружено, РВ крови от 31.05.13г №269-отр.

Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 not for grading

Proposed translations

43 mins


I'm thinking it's a typo for "АЛТ" - alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ann Nosova : ALT is already present in this analysis
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

not for grading

I would mark it as " illegible" or "unknown" because ALT result has been already written and the units are different: АЛТ-0.93.
Is it a printed or handwritten report?

Note added at 13 hrs (2013-09-14 00:02:29 GMT)

Особой уверенности нет, однако норма вполне подходит... И учитывая близость холестерина, возможно, что это бета-липопротеиды (с опечаткой в конечной букве - ВЛП). "Бета" часто обозначают латинским В.
бета-липопротеиды 35-55 оптич. ед.
Note from asker:
It's a typewritten report. However, it has a fair number of typos in it. I agree that it's not ALT. I'm so glad when even knowledgeable native speakers can't figure it out! makes me feel better! :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Aleksey Chervinskiy : Да, очень похоже, что беталипопротеиды, тем более, что сразу после холестерина идет
6 hrs
thank you, Aleksey
agree cyhul
6 hrs
thank you, cyhul
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