Mar 14, 2013 15:14
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Slovak term

na podklade v.s. malatických zmien

Slovak to English Medical Medical (general)
CT vyšetrenie mozgu (nativne): .... Vpravo v inzulárnej oblasti a kortikosubkortikálne vo frontálnom laloku sa zobrazujú neveľke hypodenzné areály *na podklade v.s. malatických zmien*.


Dylan Edwards (asker) Mar 17, 2013:
Thanks, all. I'm a bit fussy about word formation. Given the derivation of the word (from the Greek for 'soft'), I think the word should end in -cický - but perhaps no one likes to say it that way!

Anyway, I'm sure 'malacic' is meant.
Maria Chmelarova Mar 14, 2013:
v.s. or - velmi suspektny - ( odb. )
podozrivy; lek. - vyvolavajuci podozrenie na urcčitú chorobu ( der. from suspect, suspicious )
Gerry Vickers Mar 14, 2013:
underlying illness ... ?
Slavomir BELIS Mar 14, 2013:
Yeah... but also what is this "podklad" or how is it meant?
Gerry Vickers Mar 14, 2013:
Medical reports are not renowned for their literary and grammatical finesse, Slavo - you should know that by now :)
Slavomir BELIS Mar 14, 2013:
Yes, this has been discussed here before, I think.

However, there is a problem with the grammatical case if it is supposed to mean veri simile - pravdepodobne, unless it is meant - pravdepodobných.? It sounds strange. However - probably due to - should be factually accurate.
Slavomir BELIS Mar 14, 2013:
Yes, I think it is probably as Charles has indicated. That is:

sa zobrazujú neveľké hypodenzné areály na podklade(vzniknuté) v dôsledku malatických zmien.

v.s. - "s" is next to "k" on the keyboard so it is possible that it is a typo. This is, however, not to say that v.d. would be a standard Slovak abbreviation but you just never know with Slovak doctors.

Proposed translations

3 mins

probably due to malacic changes

I'd have thought......

Note added at 10 mins (2013-03-14 15:24:48 GMT)

cerebellar malacia - softening of the tissue in the brain (usually due to stroke). Checks out with my Czech medical dictionary. v.s. is verisimilitude or something... forgotten my Latin.

Note added at 11 mins (2013-03-14 15:26:07 GMT)

v.s. (verisimilitude..?) is usually "probably"
Note from asker:
Thanks. I'm not sure why 'na podklade' is used. Is it 'in the setting of' or something like that?
Peer comment(s):

agree Gerry Vickers
52 mins
thanks Gerry
agree Maria Chmelarova : v.s. - velmi pravdepodobne ( high probability ) or velmi suspektny - not Slovak/Czech word
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"
3 hrs

on ground of / based on malacic changes

also, but Charles is right.
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