Glossary entry

Slovenian term or phrase:

uradne podpisne liste

English translation:

List of Authorised Signatories/Authorised Signatories List

Added to glossary by ivanamdb
Oct 23, 2011 15:16
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Slovenian term

uradne podpisne liste

Slovenian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
Besedilo je bančna garancija.
To je stavek: "...če niste naš komitent, ga predložite skupaj z originalom vaše uradne podpisne liste ali posredno, preko vaše matične banke, z namenom potrditve pravilnosti oz. verodostojnosti vaših podpisnikov"
Kako naj prevajam "uradne podpisne liste"?

Hvala za pomoč!

Change log

Nov 2, 2011 08:06: ivanamdb Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

17 hrs

List of Authorised Signatories/Authorised Signatories List

If I'm not mistaken, the company needs to provide the list of persons authorized to perform certain bank operations, i.e. an Authorised Signatories List or List of Authorised Signatories
that is how I understand it.!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8x... for Intl Bk Guarantee ...

I think this last one explains it best:
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
31 mins

official signature certificate

To je verjetno dokument s podpisi vseh odgovornih oseb pravnega subjekta. Jaz bi prevedel tako..
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4 hrs

Signature Verification Certificate

I would suggest Signature Verification Certificate

Examples of possible signature verification forms for Signature Verification Certificates are available below:
Example sentence:

Signature Verification certificate from the Bank on which PDC's will be given.

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