Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by laura rutigliano
May 13, 2003 14:09
21 yrs ago
Spanish term


Non-PRO Spanish to English Other Botany botany
Sus hojas son muy parecidas a las de las rosas
del jardin, pero lustrosas arriba y palidas
en el enves.

Proposed translations

3 mins


...or under leaf. see below

Under Leaf Sprayer - [ Traduci questa pagina ]
To Home of Whatever Works' Garden & Home Pest Control. The unique Under Leaf Sprayer
easily reaches bugs and insects hiding under the underside of leaves. ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili
Peer comment(s):

neutral Sol : Actually... it only works in this case. "ENVÉS" is "the other side"... so, as you see in your other question (about "revés") "the other side" might be te TOP!
54 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 mins


since it is suggesting how the leaves look on top, I would think this refers to the underside of the leaf
Peer comment(s):

agree Terry Burgess : I missed that one:-)
2 mins
agree Jacqueline van der Spek
3 mins
agree Sol : Yes, I agree totally, and I would add that "envés" is "the other side", and not always the "underside" like in this case. I think you should have gotten the points.
1 hr
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3 mins

but pale on the other side/on the back side/on the reverse side

My 2 cent's worth Gabriela:-)


Peer comment(s):

agree Sol
1 hr
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