Jun 24, 2004 09:15
20 yrs ago
Spanish term

Help with sentence

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
I can't figure this one out. Something may be missing. Can someone figure out what to do with this?

"La metodología tradicional de control consistente en destacar en la planta un inspector ha demostrado ser ineficiente por su alta permeabilidad y dependencia total de la honestidad del funcionario designado."

The next sentence isn't much help: "Por ende es imperioso establecer nuevos métodos de control institucionalmente reglamentados."
Proposed translations (English)
5 +5 See sentence
4 +2 the traditional method of control ...


Non-ProZ.com Jun 24, 2004:
All After I posted the question, I realized that I had read it wrong. Thanks for your help!
CMJ_Trans (X) Jun 24, 2004:
the sentence is fine but for a better translation, could we have the context? factory floor?

Proposed translations

4 mins

See sentence

The traditional control methodology consisting of posting an inspector at the plant has proven to be inefficient due to its high permeability and complete dependence on the integrity of the appointed official."
Meaning that the methodology depends basically on the honesty of the peron appointed at the plant.

Note added at 4 mins (2004-06-24 09:20:07 GMT)

person, not peron.. sorry...
Peer comment(s):

agree anaell : oh thats great, but could possibly substitute "posting" for "having"?? - could also include "on site" instead of "at the plant"?
6 mins
Anything goes. This is just a suggestion to make the meaning clear.
agree Bernadette Mora : Why not "assigning" or "appointing" instead of "posting"?
1 hr
Of course. As I said, anything goes.
agree Marianela Melleda
3 hrs
agree consuelo buitrago
8 hrs
agree Nanny Wintjens
6 days
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! I had misread the sentence when I posted it -- burning the candle too late at night! "
11 mins

the traditional method of control ...

which consists of (consisting of) putting an inspector on the (factory ?)floor has proved ineffective, given the number of things that slip through the net and the dependency of the system on the honesty of the officer concerned.

"slip through the net" is a little casual but that is what the "permeability" refers to.
Peer comment(s):

agree anaell : oh, i like this one too.....maybe you could mix both muriel?????
2 mins
agree Lucy Phillips : agree also that 'slip through the net' is a little casual - how about 'due to its being far from watertight/foolproof/failsafe (or 'highly fallible') and totally dependent etc...'
16 mins
yes - good ideas - since that was not the real question, I simply wanted to put asker on the right track and my mind went blank as to other solutions - thanks
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