Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

decorative border [tile(s)]

Added to glossary by Lorenzo Elizalde
Jul 24, 2007 07:38
17 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
Parece ser que el término correcto para una cenefa cerámica (Dibujo de ornamentación que se pone a lo largo de los muros, suelos y techos y suele consistir en elementos repetidos de un mismo adorno) es frieze o border, pero mirando en páginas de fabricantes cerámicos utilizan una u otra. Querría saber si una es mejor que otra o si depende del país. Un ejemplo sería
Gracias y un saludo.


Lorenzo Elizalde (asker) Jul 24, 2007:
Contexto Perdonad, pero es cierto que no he dado mucho contexto. Se trata del catálogo de un fabricante de revestimentos cerámicos y no aparece en una frase sino en un listado, por lo que no tengo más. Tengo las baldosas, por un lado, y las cenefas, por otro. La url que he puesto sería un buen ejemplo.

Necesito que os decantéis por una opción, por favor. Gracias por las molestias.

Proposed translations

58 mins

decorative border [tile(s)]

Which one I'd use would depend on the sentence and the context, which you haven't given. Therefore, I can't put a high confidence level.

I associate frieze more with architecture (bias relief).
Indoors, technically, a frieze is a decorative panel at the top of a wall. As I understand it, the ceramic tiles can be used to make a band of decoration anywhere on the wall or floor.

So, I'd tend toward border, not frieze.

The site you indicated
has many simple errors in English (... are make by hand; frizes, etc.), so I wouldn't look to it for answers.

frieze1 /friz/ [freez] –noun 1. Architecture. a. the part of a classical entablature between the architrave and the cornice, usually decorated with sculpture in low relief.
b. any decorative band on an outside wall, broader than a stringcourse and bearing lettering, sculpture, etc.

2. any decorative band at the top or beneath the cornice of an interior wall, a piece of furniture, etc.

cenefa = (arquit) border

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-07-24 10:10:44 GMT)

OK, if it's in a list, I'd go with
Decorative/ornamental border tiles
Peer comment(s):

agree Noni Gilbert Riley : So would I!
2 hrs
Thanks so much, Noni! ;->
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I think you are right. After some thinking and researching frieze sounds to me as friso, as in Greek classic architecture. "
57 mins

ver ref.

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17 hrs


see their own website, both the ENG and the SPA versions (link below)
Peer comment(s):

agree bigedsenior
56 mins
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