Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

llave de regulación tipo escuadra

English translation:

angle ball valve

Added to glossary by Sandra Holt
Oct 2, 2007 13:58
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

llave de regulación tipo escuadra

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering plumbing
Part of the plumbing specification for a new building. I am not sure if this relates to the taps themselves or (perhaps more likely) shut-off taps below/behind the sinks, etc. Anyone know for sure?

"La grifería de los aparatos sanitarios lavabos y vertederos será a base de monomandos con cartucho cerámico, cromados, aireador, llaves de regulación tipo escuadra y enlaces de alimentación."
Change log

Oct 16, 2007 06:11: Sandra Holt Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

17 mins

angle ball valve

Note added at 17 minutos (2007-10-02 14:16:18 GMT)

Could be a possibility.

Note added at 21 minutos (2007-10-02 14:19:32 GMT)

Here are some more links:
Peer comment(s):

agree liz askew :
15 mins
Thanks Liz.
agree Nikki Graham : or angle stop valve
18 hrs
Thank you Nikki.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
7 mins

square-ended [on and off] key

On a quick look, outside my field entirely. keys taps&btnG...
Peer comment(s):

agree bigedsenior : square keyed valve....particularly in a public facility so the valves cannot be easily tampered with
6 hrs
Thanks, but have you taken a good look at Sandra Holt's contribution which I agreed with? :)
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34 mins

gate valve

Perry Chemical Engineer's Handbook. 6.39 "valves and fittgings".

Note added at 42 mins (2007-10-02 14:40:45 GMT)

This handbook is my bible,... poor thing,... it is going into pieces after so many years of maltreatment, acid spots, burnt edges, lost pages, etc. but, alas, remains still faithful to his master.
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49 mins

lever handle

See image here:

May be it could be what you are looking for ;)
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