Oct 31, 2008 12:05
16 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Construction / Civil Engineering urban planning
This is the title of a segment of an exhibition about cities and urban planning. In a nutshell, cities like to distinguish themselves from other cities and assert their own personality, and there's always a payoff. Some live off their history, others offer architectural milestones, others specialize (Bangalore and Las Vegas come to mind). Others offer things as apparently simple as quality of life for the aged. This "caracterización" is a basis for their uniqueness.

I thought of "branding", but that seems to be only a part of it.

I'm explaining the idea because there's practically no text around the word, just images and descriptions. TIA.

Proposed translations

14 mins


It seems to me that it requires more than just "description". Something which makes them stand out from the others, a characteristic that they feel they own, making them unique.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, everyone! Ideas were all very helpful. However, I was looking for a stand-alone title that could not be "killed" by its own presentation, and I think Catherine's proposal best suits the bill :-)"
2 mins


I would keep it simple.
Peer comment(s):

agree Caroline Devitt (X)
0 min
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11 mins

characteristics /portrayal / makeup /

Peer comment(s):

disagree Catherine Gilsenan : "characteristic" rather than in the plural. It is my feeling that "portrayal" is not strong enough. And "makeup" is wrong here; it is the wrong register, and does not sound right within the context.
5 mins
So big deal. Parrot is smart enough to make "characteristics" singular. It's the most correct answer, yet. Identity is wrong for this context as well.
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55 mins


caracterizar significa dar las caracteristicas

Note added at 57 minutos (2008-10-31 13:02:39 GMT)

tambien descripcion, o memoria de calidades
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57 mins


I just corrected a paper on this. Image was the word the author used. Another possibility would be differentiation.
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1 hr


I guess in theory distinction is a possiiblity too, but it has an unfortunate double meaning.

Other ideas: differentness, individuality
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19 hrs


M. A. Caws (Author) "I start with the words of a Roman author; a characterization of cities, from Scipio's Dream, by Cicero: "You must know, my friends, ...
www.amazon.com/City-Images-Perspectives-Literature-Philosop... - 211k -

Note added at 19 hrs (2008-11-01 07:51:17 GMT)

THE INDISPENSABLE CHARACTERIZATION Cities 5.1. Problmatique the urban l? Oriental The method of dveloppement currently dominant in the world and adopt at ...
www.oujdacity.net/translate-EN-15203.html - 70k - En caché - Páginas similares

Note added at 19 hrs (2008-11-01 07:51:43 GMT)

The Dynamic Characterization of Cities, 22-70, (skim) · 3 How Cities Grew in the Western World: A Systems Approach, 71-84, (skim) ...
www.nap.edu/catalog/1093.html - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares

Note added at 19 hrs (2008-11-01 07:52:18 GMT)

HTH: Saludos, Parrot!
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