Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

picado, saborizado y preparado de las hebras

English translation:

cut up, flavoring and curing of tobacco leaves

Added to glossary by Lorenia Rincon
Jun 21, 2004 01:08
20 yrs ago
Spanish term

picado, saborizado y preparado de las hebras

Spanish to English Social Sciences Economics tobacco industry
Here is the context:
"Los importadores de materia prima introducen al país el tabaco y lo procesan con el picado, saborizado y preparado de las hebras del tabaco."
The first two words are probably technical. "Preparado" may have a special meaning in this context, too. Although "hebras" typically translates as "filaments," "fiber" yields a much high result on Google when searched in combination with "tobacco." Any experts out there?

Proposed translations

7 mins

cut up, flavoring and curing of tobbaco leaves

en este caso yo diría que hebras no se refiere necesariamente a que sean hilos o filamentos, sino a las hojas del tabaco que por su forma alargada pueden ser llamadas hebras
Peer comment(s):

neutral Refugio : How can 'el picado' mean 'the cut up'? I think chopping would be better, and watch the spelling of tobacco.
2 hrs
alaell beat me with the answer!
agree anaell : picado = cortar fino..bueno picar.....therefore agree with picado being cutting, tambien se puede utilizar mincing, or chopping
5 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
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