Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

El tomatino

English translation:


Added to glossary by EirTranslations
Dec 15, 2009 14:51
15 yrs ago
Spanish term

El tomatino

Spanish to English Other Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
This is for a kids videogame, futuristic and is the one of the possible answers to the following question,, Im a bit stuck for words, thanks :):

En 1945 se entregó el Premio Nobel a Alexander Fleming, había descubierto un gran antibiótico, ¿adivinas cuál?

1) El tomatino
2) La penicilina
3) El platanus vagus

Gracias :)


Leonardo Lamarche Dec 15, 2009:
Beatriz, I agree with making up a name. Why not use "tomatine"???
EirTranslations (asker) Dec 15, 2009:
I think its just a made up term, to give some imaginary vacccine, medicine name, disease etc, so id need to make one up in English...perhaps along the same lines but Im a bit stuck
Leonardo Lamarche Dec 15, 2009:
Beatriz, Tomatino must be a typo. It is either tomatine (tomatina) as Bowden says or must be left without translation. Or say, "a small tomato" but it doesno fit in the context. The best fit is Bowden's.

Proposed translations

6 mins


There is a natural antibiotic called tomatine.
See ref below
Example sentence:

Tomatine is a glycoalkaloid found in tomatoes.

Peer comment(s):

agree Lucano Alvares : Fits the context
3 mins
disagree Edward Tully : but that is "tomatina" in Spanish
8 mins
agree coolbrowne : variant spelling
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: ":)"
2 mins



Note added at 4 mins (2009-12-15 14:55:15 GMT)

or perhaps "tomato ketchup" to be precise...
Brasfrigo - Products - [ Translate this page ]
TOMATINO. Official name: Ketchup. Ingredients: Tomato, Sugar, Vinegar, Salt, Onion, Spices, Aroma enhancers, Flavor enhancers Monosodium glutamate and ... - CachedLegena Fachgeschäft für Naturkostprodukte - Kinderketchup Tomatino ... - [ Translate this page ]
Kinderketchup Tomatino 350 ml. glutenfrei, milchfrei,eifrei. ... Damit die Pommes noch besser schmecken, gibt es TomaTina Kinder- Ketchup. ...,1/ - Cached - SimilarSonaco
TOMATINO. Code, Item, weight in grs, weight in ounce, units per carton, Volume, Gross weight carton/Kgs. 355949. TOMATO KETCHUP ... - Cached
Peer comment(s):

disagree coolbrowne : That is not "tomatino/a" in Spanish.
2 hrs
don't understand your comment at all!
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6 mins

the tomatoe festival

the tomatoe festival - thats the only thing that comes to mind right now,you know that one where they throw tomatoes from a trailer at the people in the crowd ( I think thees one in Italy as well )
Peer comment(s):

disagree coolbrowne : Sorry. This has absolutely nothing to do with the context (scientific discoveries). Furthermore, the word is tomato (no final "e")
2 hrs
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