Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

sinextroso ( sinestroso )

English translation:

sinistral /anticlockwise (UK) / counterclockwise (US)

Added to glossary by Bubo Coroman (X)
Nov 1, 2008 22:30
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Science Geology Thermotectonics Western Pyrenees
el desarrollo de una Sv en un ***régimen traspresivo sinextroso ***(112 Ma); ascensión y exhumación de rocas mantélicas (110-105 Ma); intrusión de vulcanismo alcalino (110-85 Ma); y, por último, neoformación de minerales en un régimen HT-LP (93-81 Ma).

I have been unable to find this term thus far. I have found "transpressive regimes" but unable to find "sinextroso" in any of my searches or the very excellent glossary I have. All help appreciated. Thanks in advance. UK audience. Thanks again. :)
Proposed translations (English)
2 +1 anti-clockwise
3 left-handed
2 sinistrorse
Change log

Nov 3, 2008 03:56: Bubo Coroman (X) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/677284">Kate Major Patience's</a> old entry - "sinextroso"" to ""anti-clockwise""

Nov 3, 2008 07:06: Bubo Coroman (X) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/139265">Bubo Coroman (X)'s</a> old entry - "sinextroso"" to ""anti-clockwise / anticlockwise (UK) // counter-clockwise / counterclockwise (US)""

Nov 3, 2008 09:16: Kate Major Patience changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/139265">Bubo Coroman (X)'s</a> old entry - "sinextroso ( sinestroso )"" to ""sinistral""

Nov 3, 2008 09:17: Kate Major Patience changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/677284">Kate Major Patience's</a> old entry - "sinextroso ( sinestroso )"" to ""sinistral/ anti-clockwise""

Nov 3, 2008 10:20: Bubo Coroman (X) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/677284">Kate Major Patience's</a> old entry - "sinextroso ( sinestroso )"" to ""sinistral""


Kate Major Patience (asker) Nov 3, 2008:
Quite right Deborah. I think I lost it for a moment and was dealing with it in it's other context within my text, in which it is definitely "anti-clockwise" (as in your answer, referring to the rotation of Iberia). Your answer was definitely relevant in that sense. "sinistral" seems to be fine for "transpressive regime".

Proposed translations

5 hrs


I found one reference where the term seems to refer to the direction of rotation:

El proceso de expansión del suelo oceánico progresó de S a N, provocando la separación progresiva entre América del Norte y Eurasia, así como el alejamiento de Iberia con respecto al SE de Europa en ***un movimiento de rotación sinextroso***, que originó la abertura del Golfo de Vizcaya y la individualización de Iberia de las grandes placas africana y euroasiática.

That reference is to Iberia, and Iberia rotated anti-clockwise:"anti-clockwise rotation...

Note added at 1 day8 hrs (2008-11-03 07:05:07 GMT) Post-grading

Hi Kate, I found many hits for "sinistral transpressive regime" as per Enrique's note, and will correct the glossary entry. transpressive ...

Note added at 1 day11 hrs (2008-11-03 10:23:01 GMT) Post-grading

OK, will add anticlockwise (and counterclockwise) to the glossary alongside sinestral, to cover a range of contexts... thanks!
Peer comment(s):

agree Enrique Espinosa : In tectonics, sinestroso or sinestral is transalted as sinistral, wich is a slip fault with the block movement to the left. The opposite is dextral. Sorry, but nothing to do with anti-clockwise.
1 day 2 hrs
thanks so much for the correction and link Enrique, I'll correct the glossary entry. Enjoy your start to the week! :-) Deb
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone. Lots of decent hits for the "anti-clockwise rotation" in the exact context of my work. Thanks Deborah, and the rest of you, for clearing that up for me. It is indeed a movement to the left. Cheers. :)"
14 mins


Low confidence here, but it could be also 'sinestroso' in English 'sinistrorse', i.e. left, moving from right to left

An idea, but wait for confirmation
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12 hrs


left-handed transpressive system
longitudinal strike slip faulting, which may be left-handed (Atacama Fault ...... transpressive structures generated. During some stages in the backarc area ...
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Reference comments

1 day 7 hrs


As explained to Deborah (¡hola!), in tectonics, sinestroso or sinestral is transalted as sinistral, wich is a slip fault with the block movement to the left. The opposite is dextral. Sorry, but nothing to do with anti-clockwise.

El texto podría decir igualmente, un régimen transpresivo izquierdo, sinestral o sinestroso. Es lo mismo, lo que quieren decir es que el movimiento es izquierdo.
Note from asker:
Thanks very much Enrique. We were getting lost, I think, as anti-clockwise was referring to the rotation of a plate, which also comes up in the text. Your insight on the term "sinistral" is invaluable to me right now. Thanks again, and have a great week.
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