Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
...grava con derecho real de hipoteca en primer grado de privilegio a favor de
English translation:
lien with right of first real property mortgage in favor of
Added to glossary by
Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Nov 30, 2006 19:48
18 yrs ago
27 viewers *
Spanish term
...grava con derecho real de hipoteca en primer grado de privilegio a favor de
Spanish to English
Law: Contract(s)
This is a phrase from an Argentinean property contract. I think I have a translation for the first part of it, but can only find similar, and not exact translations of the whole sentence. I found "First mortage real property rights tax" for the first bit? Before the start of the sentence is the name of the buyer and after "favor de" comes the seller's name. Thanks.
Proposed translations
1 hr
lien with right of first real property mortgage in favor of
derecho real de hipoteca; real property mortgage en vez de chattel mortgage
grava es un lien, pero en este caso esta grava da el derecho a una primera hipoteca (first mortgage) lo que quiere decir que cuando vendan, pagan esta primero que ninguna otra
grava es un lien, pero en este caso esta grava da el derecho a una primera hipoteca (first mortgage) lo que quiere decir que cuando vendan, pagan esta primero que ninguna otra
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you, explanation much appreciated!"
1 hr
(someone) is pledged on first grade, with first mortgage rights (over something)
I'm just trying to make clear that your sentence is fragmentary. Please complete the paragraph to confirm or change my assumptions.
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