Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
sirviéndole la misma de suficiente personería
English translation: granting/conferring/bestowing him sufficient/enough legal capacity
Added to glossary by
Daniela Pesce
Dec 21, 2006 14:39
18 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term
sirviéndole la misma de suficiente personería
Spanish to English
Law: Contract(s)
Se acordó facultar a los abogados señores Alejandro aaa y/o xxx, para que uno cualquiera de ellos, actuando en representación de todos los señores directores asistentes a la reunión, reduzca a escritura pública esta acta, en todo o parte, sin necesidad de esperar su aprobación y sirviéndole la misma de suficiente personería
Proposed translations
1 hr
Selected granting/conferring/bestowing him sufficient/enough legal capacity
Conforme con el Alcaraz varó Hughes Legal, y los Diccionarios de Pat Mazzucco y Thomas L. West.-
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "gracias!"
10 mins
being the presence of one of them enough/sufficient
It means that one of them is enough, it is not necessary to have both people present
3 hrs
the same representing for him/her enough legal capacity
the same representing for him/her enough legal capacity
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