May 4, 2005 23:37
19 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Spanish term

habiéndose desvirtuado

Non-PRO Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
habiéndose desvirtuado en forma fehaciente y palamaria, que la parte demandada no habia causado taponamiento

Proposed translations

2 mins

prove to be unfounded

Peer comment(s):

agree Carolingua : or following the tense of the sentence: "having proven itself to be unfounded"
49 mins
agree Christina Courtright
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
2 hrs
Spanish term (edited): habi�ndose desvirtuado

having disproven

"Habiendose" is the equivalent of "having" (as an auxiliary verb), which is normally followed by the past participle (in this case "disproven" or "disproved").
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