Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

fianza de calumnia

English translation:

libel bond

Oct 13, 2008 03:26
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

fianza de calumnia

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
TIA for any help with this term!

In context:

Toda persona natural, jurídica o grupo humano podrá ser oída en los procesos penales, civiles o administrativos, previa *fianza de calumnia*, que se inicien por infracciones de carácter ambiental, aunque no hayan sido vulnerados sus propios derechos.
Change log

Oct 18, 2008 15:57: Margarita Ezquerra (Smart Translators, S.L.) Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

4 hrs

libel bond

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias Marguita!"
17 mins

slander action

This threw me off because I was automatically thinking "bond," but it looks like a slander action is a judicial proceeding when someone's character has been defamed due to slanderous remarks. See number 4. This seems to fit your context, where everyone has the right to iniciate such an action even if his/her "rights" have not implicitly been violated.

Just an idea...I'm not really sure but I hope I'm on the right track...

Note from asker:
Thanks Erin!
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