Jun 12, 2003 13:50
21 yrs ago
69 viewers *
Spanish term

el justiciable

Spanish to English Law/Patents arbitraje
El principio de seguridad jurídica es básico para que EL JUSTICIABLE, en este caso las partes, puedan tener garantía de los derechos y deberes que les asisten en la tramitación de los procedimientos, y no estar al arbitrio de interpretaciones que le estén vedadas.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

(do not translate it)

You don't need to translate it as, in this instance, it obviously refers to the parties.

Normally, "el justiciable" is the fact in question, requiring clarification and judgment.

justiciable (DRAE)
1. adj. Que puede o debe someterse a la acción de los tribunales de justicia. Dícese principalmente de ciertos hechos.

However, the same term may refer to one party (either party) or (more rarely) to both parties, as it means "deserving justice".
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
15 mins


just a suggestion from the Oxford Thesaurus. "Justiciable" is generally applied to facts, not to parties, but it refers to a "subject of investigation" in the legal sense (Moliner).
Peer comment(s):

agree Elena Sgarbo (X) : :-)
6 mins
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1 hr



That for which an action may be brought.
Thesaurus juridico Milennium

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