Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

juicios universales

English translation:

comprehensive judgments/trials

Added to glossary by Parrot
Oct 17, 2003 23:37
21 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Spanish term

juicios universales

Spanish to English Law/Patents
derecho laboral
La carga prevista no regirá respecto de los representantes designados en juicios universales

Proposed translations

6 mins

comprehensive judgments/trials

i.e., procedures involving joint and several and not individual cases.
Peer comment(s):

agree dawn39 (X) : have a nice week-end! :)
2 hrs
agree brendaskye
4 hrs
agree Alicia Jordá
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
7 hrs

representative proceedings or actions

to be distinguished from class or group actions, as well as from test cases: one sep. case is followed suit by other sep. suits jumping on the bandwaggon.
Butterworth SPA/ENG law dict. may be up the creek in this context> proceedings in which the - deceased's or insolvent's - assets are under the court's scrutiny (supervision?)
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1 day 14 hrs

general procedings

I found it on glossaries...

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