Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Confundir la empresa con la familia

English translation:

Mistake business for family

Added to glossary by Maria Druetta
Apr 17, 2008 17:52
16 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

Confundir la empresa con la familia

Spanish to English Marketing Marketing
Confundir la empresa con la familia
Es el título de una de las causas por las que el traspaso generacional en empresas familiares falla.

Las empresas familiares tienden a repetir sus modelos familiares dentro de la empresa, y a veces toman decisiones de roles en base a sus afectos. La razón de esto es que en las empresas familiares convergen dos sistemas diferentes: el de la familia y el sistema empresario.

Alguna sugerencia?

Muchas gracias!

Proposed translations

6 mins

Mistake business for family

To think that the same models, rules, decisions, etc....apply

Note added at 8 mins (2008-04-17 18:00:41 GMT)

Could also be "Mix business with family". Suerte :D
Peer comment(s):

agree Noni Gilbert Riley : Mistaking? / I was about to post "Mixing business with family" - would be play on words for "Don't mix business with pleasure"...
15 mins
I thought the same...I added it in my note a few minutes later. Thanks, Noni!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks!!"
3 mins

Getting the company confused with the family/ confusing the company with the family

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21 mins

Confusing business roles [relationships] with family roles

I have taken a small liberty in adding "roles" or "relationships", but I think it is appropriate since the source makes reference to such roles and their affects. It also sounds a bit more natural in English as a stand alone title in my humble opinion.

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