Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
partes acras
English translation:
Added to glossary by
Lorenia de la Vega
Oct 22, 2006 15:39
18 yrs ago
20 viewers *
Spanish term
partes acras
Spanish to English
Medical (general)
el cuerpo muestra marcada cianosis en las partes acras
I know what "partes acras" is by definition (las zonas más expuestas a las congelaciones son las llamadas partes acras: dedos de las manos y de los pies, orejas, nariz), but is there a specific term in English for this? Maybe "las extremidades"? But that doesn't include nose, ears, etc.
Thanks in advance!
I know what "partes acras" is by definition (las zonas más expuestas a las congelaciones son las llamadas partes acras: dedos de las manos y de los pies, orejas, nariz), but is there a specific term in English for this? Maybe "las extremidades"? But that doesn't include nose, ears, etc.
Thanks in advance!
Proposed translations
5 | the extremities | Robert Copeland |
4 +1 | extremities | neilmac |
5 | peripheral parts | liz askew |
Proposed translations
7 mins
the extremities
In general, when referring to medical terminology, the extremities is most widely used under this context ueven though nose and ears isn't always necessrly. included......They are included in certain cases suc as when referring to cold contact for frostbite, etc... This would certainly work for your context....
Note added at 10 mins (2006-10-22 15:49:53 GMT)
Cyanosis is the characteristic blue color of the skin observed when the amount of unoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood exceeds 5 grams per 100 milliters of blood (out of anywhere from 10 to 15 grams of hemoglobin per 100 milliliters). Cyanosis may be harmless - as in acrocyanosis of newborn babies - but is usually a bad sign. Cyanosis may be caused by lung problems when not enough oxygen is getting into the bloodstream, or by circulatory problems. Circulatory problems include abnormal mixing of unoxygenated blood with oxygen carrying blood. It may be due to poor circulation, cold weather, or any other circulatory problems that might cause symptoms as described....Cyanosis is usually noted first around the lips and mouth, and perhaps in the nailbeds.
Note added at 10 mins (2006-10-22 15:49:53 GMT)
Cyanosis is the characteristic blue color of the skin observed when the amount of unoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood exceeds 5 grams per 100 milliters of blood (out of anywhere from 10 to 15 grams of hemoglobin per 100 milliliters). Cyanosis may be harmless - as in acrocyanosis of newborn babies - but is usually a bad sign. Cyanosis may be caused by lung problems when not enough oxygen is getting into the bloodstream, or by circulatory problems. Circulatory problems include abnormal mixing of unoxygenated blood with oxygen carrying blood. It may be due to poor circulation, cold weather, or any other circulatory problems that might cause symptoms as described....Cyanosis is usually noted first around the lips and mouth, and perhaps in the nailbeds.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Gracias! Me encantaría que hubiera un término más específico, pero cuando no lo hay, no lo hay. ;-) Los puntos para Robert simplemente por ser el primero en responder, ya que las dos respuestas son iguales."
7 mins
tips of nose and ears too...
Peer comment(s):
agree |
David Brown
: ears and nose too. Las zonas más expuestas a las congelaciones son las llamadas partes acras: dedos de las manos y de los pies, orejas, nariz. Los tipos de congelaciones ...
1 hr
1 day 7 hrs
peripheral parts
See refs. above
Note from asker:
Thanks a lot, Liz. This was exactly the kind of term I was looking for! |
Acral Relating to or affecting the peripheral parts, e.g., limbs, fingers, ears, etc.
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): Nerves that conduct impulses outside the brain and spinal cord i.e., outside the CNS. However, the cell bodies of PNS nerves reside in the CNS, with their lengths extending out to peripheral parts of the body.
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“La técnica del ganglio centinela en los melanomas malignos de las partes acras de las extremidades”. Soler, JM; Llabres,. M; Matas, M; Trigo, L; ... - Similar pages
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acral (ac·ral) (ak´rəl) [acr- + -al1] pertaining to an extremity or apex; affecting the limbs (extremities).
acral coldness
acral coldness - also known as or related to coldness of extremities, hand cold, periphery feels cold, cold feet, peripheries cold, cold feet (finding)