Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
English translation:
(that) improved her condition (until resolution)
Added to glossary by
Oct 28, 2006 16:40
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term
resolvió (HERE)
Spanish to English
Medical (general)
Historia clínica
Se trata de resumen de historia clínica de una persona que sufrió neurosis depresiva a causa de la muerte de su madre, que sufrió una cardiopatía izquémica que concluyó en un infarto agudo del miocardio.
... la paciente en cuestión fue tratada por MF (muerte familiar) y resolvió hasta recuperarse y salir de la crisis. Hoy se diagnostica como adulta sana, apata para trabajar.
Gracias por las sugerencias.
... la paciente en cuestión fue tratada por MF (muerte familiar) y resolvió hasta recuperarse y salir de la crisis. Hoy se diagnostica como adulta sana, apata para trabajar.
Gracias por las sugerencias.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
(that) improved her condition (until resolution)
yo cambiaría el sujeto ("that", en lugar de "she"), utilizando esta construcción.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Gracias, me gustó mucho tu opción."
8 mins
persevere- To persist in or remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles or discouragement.
1 min
Una sug.
Note added at 9 mins (2006-10-28 16:50:00 GMT)
which she overcame
Note added at 30 mins (2006-10-28 17:10:55 GMT)
Following your note about using the verb "overcome", maybe you could say something like "which she overcame and eventually recovered fully from" ... It might not be necessary to use the word crisis.
Just another sug. Anita!
Note added at 9 mins (2006-10-28 16:50:00 GMT)
which she overcame
Note added at 30 mins (2006-10-28 17:10:55 GMT)
Following your note about using the verb "overcome", maybe you could say something like "which she overcame and eventually recovered fully from" ... It might not be necessary to use the word crisis.
Just another sug. Anita!
Note from asker:
The problem is that I'm going to use "overcome" for "she overcame the crisis" (salir de la crisis). |
38 mins
made up her mind
made up her mind to recover from this crisis.
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Roxanna Delgado
: Sorry, but you can't "make up your mind" to come out of a neurosis or a crisis./ resolved in this case does not mean the patient's resolve, but the resolution of the crisis.
16 mins
It means the same as "she resolved" to overcome this crisis, doesn't it?
agree |
Carol Gullidge
: I think that after treatment for MF, she was in a fit state to help herself make a full recovery, ie, after initial help, she was able to manage the rest on her own. Makes sense to me!
48 mins
1 hr
up to the crisis resolution
En este caso, le haría unos cambio a la frase en español.
....fue tratada por MF, hasta la "resolución de la crisis".
Resolución de la crisis (crisis resolution): (en psiquiatría) desarrollo de dispositivos eficaces de adaptación y de afrontamiento para resolver una crisis. Diccionario Mosby de Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud.
....fue tratada por MF, hasta la "resolución de la crisis".
Resolución de la crisis (crisis resolution): (en psiquiatría) desarrollo de dispositivos eficaces de adaptación y de afrontamiento para resolver una crisis. Diccionario Mosby de Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud.
1 hr
her perserverance (resolve) enabled her to recover and to overcome the crisis
Anita, otra sugerencia.....
1 hr
...y resolvió hasta recuperarse y salir de la crisis. Hoy...
..."she was treated... which she resolved and fully overcame the crisis..."
Why don't you just leave it literal? I'm absolutely sure you say that someone "resolved their depression". That way, you can use "overcome in the next sentence.
According to Merriam - Webster,
Main Entry: resolve
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): re·solved; re·solv·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin resolvere to unloose, dissolve, from re- + solvere to loosen, release -- more at SOLVE
transitive verb
3 : to cause resolution of (a pathological state)
4 a : to deal with successfully : clear up <resolve doubts> <resolve a dispute> b : to find an answer to c : to make clear or understandable
Examples of "resolving depression"
Does SSRI augmentation with antidepressants that influence ...
Does SSRI augmentation with antidepressants that influence noradrenergic function resolve depression in obsessive-compulsive disorder? ...
[PDF] Review: progestogens do not resolve postnatal depression but ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
In women with postnatal depression, progestogens do. not resolve depression and are associated with increased. depression at 6 weeks postpartum. ...
Should I take medications to treat depression? on Yahoo! Health
If your symptoms are mild and not recurring, you can try lifestyle changes and professional counseling alone to lessen symptoms or resolve depression. ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
Overcoming Depression
How does this resolve depression? As you remove your attention from negative external circumstances and refocus it on positive imaginary thoughts, ...
15 hrs
the patient progressive until she recovered and got over the crisis
Note added at 15 hrs (2006-10-29 08:29:19 GMT)
ooops!!!! progressed!!
Note added at 15 hrs (2006-10-29 08:29:19 GMT)
ooops!!!! progressed!!
Something went wrong...