Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

cromatina laxa

English translation:

dispersed chromatin

Aug 14, 2002 16:17
22 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term

cromatina laxa

Non-PRO Spanish to English Medical Medical (general) bone marrow aspiration
Serie linfoide: Inflitración por células plasmáticas...plasmoblastos, con nucleolos prominentes, cromatina laxa e hiperbasoflilia; escasas inclusiones citoplasmáticas.

I am not certain about cromatina laxa.

Thank you.
Proposed translations (English)
4 dispersed chromatin
4 +4 lax chromatin
Change log

Jun 13, 2010 15:24: luskie changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Medical (general)"

Proposed translations

4 hrs

dispersed chromatin

should be this

Note added at 2002-08-14 21:12:59 (GMT)

Sustentacular cells: comprise simple, columnar epithelium; highly infiltrated by germ cells of the spermatogenic series: function as follicle cells; under influence of FSH, secrete androgen binding protein (transports dihydrotestosterone to lumen of seminiferous tubule) phagocytize excess cytoplasm cast off by spermatids; nuclei usually found toward basement membrane; frequently triangular or ovoid; oriented at right angles to basement membrane; may be deeply indented; prominent nucleolus; dispersed chromatin; prominent chromatin bodies associated with nucleolus; sER; extensive cytoplasm ramifies throughout whole germinal epithelium, enclosing all the spermatogenic series; supported by basement membrane

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much."
4 mins

lax chromatin

see ref
Peer comment(s):

agree labusga
3 mins
agree Katherine Matles
14 mins
agree Marisa_mm (X)
7 hrs
agree Lila del Cerro
23 hrs
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