Oct 30, 2009 19:21
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term


Non-PRO Spanish to English Medical Medical: Health Care
it's a verb. It's something people do before dying.

Proposed translations

13 mins



The verb "agonizar" is used in terms or medical terms to describe a previous stage before dying.
Peer comment(s):

agree Veronica Barzelatto : Yes, "agonizar" is to death as "perimenopause" is to "menopause". So, agonize. It can also be an "agonizing decision" (ie: Painful, difficult)
3 hrs
agree Emma Ratcliffe
6 hrs
neutral liz askew : so what is the actual suggestion in English?
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
7 mins

to agonize, or to be dying

to agonize is used to someone who is suffering an extreme pain, or near to die.
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15 mins

in throes of death

Otra manera de decirlo...

Note added at 22 mins (2009-10-30 19:43:41 GMT)

Man Poisoned by Beer in Throes of Death

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3 hrs

to be in the death agony

The problem is that we don't have a verb for it in English. Over 300,000 refs for "in the death agony." It's the point when all the systems start to fail. Some patients show strong physical manifestations, which is where the term gets its loaded connotation. Other patients die quietly and there is no outward struggle. I'd rather not show text examples - they can be pretty strong.

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20 hrs

to suffer/to languish


Ver conjugación agonizar.

(Del lat. agonizāre, y este del gr. ἀγωνίζεσθαι, combatir, luchar).

1. intr. Dicho de un enfermo: Estar en la agonía.

2. intr. Dicho de una cosa: Extinguirse o terminarse.

3. intr. Sufrir angustiosamente.

4. intr. desus. Perecerse por algo, desearlo vivamente, luchar por conseguirlo.

5. tr. coloq. Molestar a alguien con instancias y prisas. Déjame estar, no me agonices

6. tr. p. us. Auxiliar al moribundo o ayudarle a bien morir.

anguish - definition of anguish by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Agonizing physical or mental pain; torment. See Synonyms at regret. v. an·guished, an·guish·ing, an·guish·es. v.tr. To cause to feel or suffer anguish. ...
www.thefreedictionary.com/anguish - Cached – Similar

Spanish, angustiosamente, excruciatingly, with anguish. Source: compiled by the editor from the definition of with anguish; see credits. ...
www.websters-dictionary-online.net/translation/.../angustio... – Similar

JOHN HUMPHRYS: One woman's courage - and why I believe we all have ...
25 Mar 2009 ... The patient must have made two written requests to die, at least 15 days apart. .... assisted suicide would give people the chance to die peacefully ... is simply cruel to allow the terminally ill to languish and suffer. ...
www.dailymail.co.uk/.../JOHN-HUMPHRYS-One-womans-courage--I... - Similar
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