Dec 8, 2004 02:16
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Tourism & Travel
From a Spanish tourism site, describing the Candelaria celebration:
A primeros de septiembre se fiesta de la Candelaria, con el ritual de fuego como protagonista absoluto, si bien aquí las hogueras, que también se encienden en el pueblo, reciben el nombre de "PATACOS".

(Quotes in original. I feel some kind of parenthetical insertion is needed to give some idea of why the bonfires are called "patacos" and I don't have a clue.)
Proposed translations (English)
5 +6 pataco

Proposed translations

5 mins


Benamocarra - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... church. In the first week of September they have bonfires which they call"patacos" in the town as well as in the countryside. The ... - 15k
Peer comment(s):

agree bigedsenior
8 mins
Thank You!MLD
agree adamk : I believe "bonfire" would be the translation
1 hr
Yes! Adam ,bonfires which they call"patacos" Thank You!MLD
agree Lisa Russell : agree with Adam also
5 hrs
Thank You!MLD
agree Víctor Nine
7 hrs
Thank You!MLD
agree Cecilia Della Croce
17 hrs
Thank You!MLD
agree Richenel Ansano
19 hrs
Thank You!MLD
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