Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

en origen

English translation:

at origin

Added to glossary by Ericad
Jul 16, 2011 20:01
13 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Spanish term

en origen

Spanish to English Marketing Transport / Transportation / Shipping Delivery of products
Entrega de Materiales ***en origen*** (Title)
Contra cada embarque de Materias Primas, se debe notificar a XXX vía e-mail el embarque, detallando la fecha de embarque, la Compañía Naviera, el Buque y número de viaje, y cantidad de contenedores a embarcar.
Muchas gracias!!

Proposed translations

21 mins

at origin

"Incoterms Entrega en Origen: EXW, FCA, FAS, FOB, CPT, CFR, CIP, CIF
Incoterms Entrega en Destino: DAT, DAP, DDP"

"Incoterms Delivered at Origin: EXW, FCA, FAS, FOB, CPT, CFR, CIP, CIF
Incoterms Delivered at Destination: DAT, DAP, DDP"

"Delivery at origin if customer has provided point to contact for the offshore procured items. If no point of contact is provided, delivery will be at destination."

Note added at 24 mins (2011-07-16 20:25:55 GMT)

Appellant maintains that the question posed is strictly one of sales law and should be stated as follows: "Where a seller delivers a perishable commodity to the buyer f. o. b. cars at point of origin of shipment and the buyer inspects at destination of shipment, must the inspection at destination relate to the time of delivery at origin or to the time of arrival at destination?"
Peer comment(s):

agree Renee Mazloum : Agree. This would certainly be "at origin" as opposed to "in origin".
1 hr
Thank you, Renée :)
agree Andy Watkinson
1 hr
Many thanks, Andy :)
agree Jennifer Levey
4 hrs
Thanks a lot, mediamatrix :)
agree FVS (X)
13 hrs
Thanks, FVS
agree Lisa McCarthy
19 hrs
Thanks, Lisa ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias y Saludos!"
6 mins

in origin

one option

Sale of Plants | Aloe Trade - En cachéIn the Argentine market, we made the delivery in origin or destination, combining the logistical aspects of the delivery and reception. ...
Business case - Meerendonk - Advanced Logistic Solutions - [ Traducir esta página ] - En cachéAll logistical activities from wine supplier till delivery in origin port including custom formalities are organised and coordinated by Meerendonk. ...


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14 mins

(loading/lading) at source

Maybe... - Common Export Documents - [ Traducir esta página ] - En caché31 Mar 2011 – For vessels, there are two types: a straight bill of lading, .... for loading at port and loading at source/mill site as appropriate. ...
New Page 2 - Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) - [ Traducir esta página ] - En caché14 Apr 2008 – Price also to include all required inspections at source loading and as well as loading observations at the load port in accordance with the ...

[PDF] Container Measures Study: Issues and Discussion for Proposed ... - [ Traducir esta página ] de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
1 Aug 2006 – greater preference to bypass source loading opportunities in the prairies, .... loading at source or at a port located “stuffing” facility. ...
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