Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

planeta sub.-regidor/subregente

German translation:

zweite Regent

Added to glossary by Gabi
Mar 26, 2002 22:15
22 yrs ago
Spanish term

planeta sub.-regidor

Spanish to German Science Astrology
Primer Decanato: Oct. 23 a Nov. 1
Palabra clave:
Planeta sub.-regidor
Proposed translations (German)
4 Der zweite Regent

Proposed translations

19 mins

Der zweite Regent

... eines Zeichens.

Cada signo tiene un "planeta regente", a algunos se le atribuyen dos.

Así por ej., a Escorpio Plutón y Marte,
a Acuario: Urano y Saturno...
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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