Oct 17, 2000 13:46
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

caja de conversión

Non-PRO Spanish to English Bus/Financial
una caja de conversión es un fondo del Estado destinado a afrontar el pago de deudas, creo.
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PRO (1): Theropo

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Proposed translations

13 mins

redenomination fund

From Termium:

conversión: English:Banking
redenomination s
CONTEXT (example)- The issue of "redenomination" is the adoption of the new euro for national debts which are currently denominated in currencies such as the franc or D-Mark. s



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43 mins

debt conversion office

Here goes an extract from 2nd ref below: "In the Central Bank, there are the Debt Conversion office and the two departments that deal with commercial debts. Those two departments handle the London Club debt, the Brady bonds and promissory notes". I feel denominations may vary from one society to another as i have also found: debt conversion bank, programme, etc. Might help cheers :)
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53 mins

obligaciones convertibles

This is a finacial term. Conversion finance is a change of a security or negotiable instrument from one form to another. Sucede que muchos estados emiten instrumentos financieros- respaldados por el propio estado- como pagarés o bonos (t-bonds) utilizados para financiar la deuda pública estatal. Estos instrumentos son convertibles y representan una obligación futura del estado en abonar un rendimiento a los inversores que compren esos instrumentos. Con el fin de ofrecer mayores garantías y/o rendimientos a los inversores, el estado puede ofrecer instrumentos finacieros convertibles en acciones de empresas estatales o en bonos de mayor rendimiento o duración. De ahí que una caja de conversión es un fondo de obligaciones convertibles para la financiación de la deuda pública.
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6 hrs

Conversion Fund or Foreign Exchange Fund

It seems to me that it refers to a government fund to be used for the estabilization of the local currency. Hope it helps.
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2619 days

currency board

A monetary authority required to guarantee convertibility when the local currency is tied to a foreign currency, e.g. Argentina in the 1990s when, by law, pesos could be converted to U.S. dollars at a rate of 1 to 1.
Example sentence:

La Ley de Convertibilidad [convirtió] el Banco Central de la República Argentina... en una caja de conversión

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