Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:

materiellt (skatteärende)

English translation:

subject matter (of tax case)

Added to glossary by Peter Linton (X)
Oct 19, 2006 12:20
18 yrs ago
Swedish term

materiellt (skatteärende)

Swedish to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs document promoting legal services
I've seen the expression 'material tax' for US English, but I'm not sure what it's called in UK English.

Sentence: Vi har många års erfarenhet från domstol och från handläggning av både materiellt och processuellt mycket komplicerade skatteärenden.

Advice for UK English would be appreciated.
Proposed translations (English)
1 subject matter
3 materially

Proposed translations

21 mins

subject matter

I am out of my depth here, so this is an optimistic paraphrase. I would have thought it means something like

"We have many years' experience ... of highly complex tax matters, both in terms of the subject matter and the procedures."

You can of course find many occurrences of "material tax" on Google, but to my mind they mean something different, namely that the tax concerned is large enough to matter. This strikes me as a very different meaning from the one here.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your explanation, Peter. On re-reading the Swedish when less tired, with the sentence structure, I think you're quite right."
6 hrs


I'm reasonably sure that they do in fact mean materially complication tax issues - issues that are complicated in terms of who owns what etc (material in the sense of "relating to, or affecting economic or physical wellbring") - rather than issues that may be complicated processes, but relatively simple in terms of who owes money to whom (take Kronofogden for example, though I know it's not tax...!).

Materially as an adveb is very commonly used in relation to tax issues (UK googles in the ref).

Note added at 6 hrs (2006-10-19 18:40:10 GMT)

I mean materially complicat"ed" tax issues - time to pack up for the day I think... count the typos in the above...
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