Translation glossary: financial

Showing entries 1-50 of 63
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anläggningskostnadcapital expenditure 
svéd - angol
annuitetsräntainterest on the annuity 
svéd - angol
avdragsutrymmetallowance for deductions 
svéd - angol
bruttolønsfinansieretdeducted from gross; paid by gross salary deduction 
dán - angol
Cédula TributariaCorporate Identity Number; Taxpayer ID Number 
spanyol - angol
Community association duesegendomsägares förenings avgifter 
angol - svéd
Community association duesföreningsavgifter för egendomsägare; egendomsägares förenings avgifter 
angol - svéd
credit voucherkreditnota 
angol - svéd
efterlikvidfinal price adjustment 
svéd - angol
EuropafunktionerEuropean units; European-wide units 
svéd - angol
faktureringsmetodaccrual method 
svéd - angol
Faktureringsplanschedule for invoicing purposes 
svéd - angol
fastställd förvärvsinkomstascertained earned income, adjusted gross income 
svéd - angol
förlagsinsatserhybrid capital; capital contributions as subordinated debentures 
svéd - angol
forvaltarregistreraregistered in the name of a nominee or trustee 
svéd - angol
FrikøbsprisResidual Price; (lease end) buy-out price 
dán - angol
Gottskrivna räntorinterest earned 
svéd - angol
husbankprimary bank 
svéd - angol
inarbetat märkewell-established, commonly known (brand/trademark) 
svéd - angol
InlaaningsraentaInterest on deposits 
svéd - angol
inregistrerings kontraktstock exchange listing agreement, registration contract 
svéd - angol
insatsemissionconversion of distributable profits into permanent capital 
svéd - angol
insatsvarorinput goods 
svéd - angol
intäktsräntainterest income 
svéd - angol
internflyttinternal movements 
norvég - angol
kapitaltäcknincapital adequacy 
svéd - angol
kapitaltäckningsgaranticapital adequacy guarantee 
svéd - angol
KontrollmiljöControl Environment 
svéd - angol
kvalificerade tillgångarqualifying assets 
svéd - angol
lnnskutt egenkapitalInvested equity; paid-up capital 
norvég - angol
n�ringsidkaresole proprietor 
svéd - angol
negative spread businessa company in the situation where its cost of funds is greater than its return on funds borrowed or capital 
OmregningTranslation, Conversion 
norvég - angol
oreal. res.unrealized gain (or loss) 
svéd - angol
Overdækningsgraddegree of coverage 
dán - angol
personinntekt vs næringsinntekterpersonal income vs. business income 
norvég - angol
positive spread returnsthe return on funds borrowed is greater than its costs 
profitable exit"exit" means to recover invested capital (ie cash out), hopefully profitably 
profitable exit"exit" means to recover invested capital (ie cash out), hopefully profitably 
publikt aktiebolagPLC - Public Limited Company 
svéd - angol
realisationsförlustcapital loss 
svéd - angol
realisationsvinstCapital gain 
svéd - angol
redovisat värdebook value; carrying value, written-down value 
svéd - angol
ren handelfair market value, arms length transaction 
dán - angol
reserverat belopp / inringd insättningblocked amount / counterbalancing deposit 
svéd - angol
revisions- eller ersättningsutskottAudit Committee or Compensation Committee 
svéd - angol
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officervicedirektør og koncernøkonomichef (CFO) 
angol - dán
Senior Vice President and General Counselvicedirektør og juridisk chef 
angol - dán
SikkerhetsstillelseProvision of Collateral 
norvég - angol
Solvensdækningsolvency ratio/margin 
dán - angol
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