Translation glossary: Commercial/Legal

Showing entries 51-100 of 144
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en fin de bailat end of lease 
French to English
en l'espècein the present/this case; having regard to the circumstances 
French to English
en matière civilein civil matters 
French to English
en premier ressortwith possibility of appeal; upon appeal 
French to English
en une ou plusieurs foisin one or more stages 
French to English
ensemble industrielindustrial complex, (complete) industrial plant 
French to English
enveloppe ferméesealed envelope 
French to English
fiche d'identitécorporate/company profile 
French to English
fond de roulementworking capital fund 
French to English
frais d\'encaissementtransaction fees 
French to English   Finance (general)
frais exposésexpenses incurred 
French to English
gestion patrimonialewealth management; asset management 
French to English
Greffe du Tribunal chargé des affairesCommercial Court Registry 
French to English
grosses réparationsmajor repairs 
French to English
horaires individualisésflexible working hours; flextime 
French to English
Il est convenu et acceptéit is understood/agreed and accepted 
French to English
il n'en demeure pas moins (que)nevertheless; it remains true (that) 
French to English
il n'est pas contesté queit is undisputed that 
French to English
illégalité externeprocedural illegality 
French to English
indemnité de fonctionservice allowance 
French to English
jugement supplétif tenant lieu d'acte de naissancereplacement birth certificate 
French to English
juridiction compétentecompetent court, place of jurisdiction, court of competent jurisdiction 
French to English
LEP (Livret d\'épargne populaire)Popular Savings Book 
French to English
local industrielindustrial premises 
French to English
mandataire de justicelegal representative/agent 
French to English
mesures d'exécution forcéeenforcement processes 
French to English
mesures d’ordre intérieurinternal measures; administrative arrangements 
French to English
French to English
minute d'un acteoriginal instrument / execution copy 
French to English
mode de liquidationmethod of liquidation 
French to English
modification corrélativeconsequential/related amendment 
French to English
moyens financiers(financial) means 
French to English
mur de clôturepartition wall, property-line wall, enclosing wall 
French to English
murs de soutènementretaining walls 
French to English
NIFFiscal Identification Number 
French to English
nominativementby name 
French to English
notification expressedirect notice 
French to English
objets mobiliersfurniture fixtures and fittings; furnishings 
French to English
ordonnance de justicecourt order 
French to English
ouvrer droit àto confer the right to 
French to English
par dérogation (à)notwithstanding, contrary (a) 
French to English
par devantbefore 
French to English
pénalité de retardlate fee 
French to English
personne interposéeproxy, nominee 
French to English
petite caissepetty cash (fund) 
French to English
pollueur-payeur"polluter pays" (principle) 
French to English
Précompte immobilier(Belgian) property tax 
French to English
prévoyance inclusionopt-in long-term/disability insurance 
French to English
prix d’émissionissue price (of shares) 
French to English
procès-verbal de constataffidavit (made by process server) 
French to English
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